Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Danika was not happy about having her picture takin. I felt so bad for her, but we still got some cute pictures of her. She is such a cutie!!DSC_4220-2DSC_4251DSC_4211DSC_4262-2DSC_4200DSC_4216DSC_4218DSC_4220DSC_4223DSC_4230DSC_4253DSC_4254DSC_4259DSC_4262DSC_4283DSC_4296DSC_4340DSC_4342-2


I took these pictures back in May and I am so late at getting them on my blog, but I didn’t want to forget them. This little girl was getting baptized and I got to take some pictures for her. She is such a beautiful girl and I had so much fun taking her pictures.

